Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Q&A with Scott

We got a bus! For real this time. We own it and everything. No, really, we can prove it.
Anyway, now that that is over we thought we would answer some of those burning questions that you may have.

Is this legal?


No, seriously. Is this legal?


How can this be legal?

Alright, this bus falls into a legal grey area. Technically speaking, it won’t be a bus. As soon as we get it, we are ripping out all of the chairs and painting it which makes it a privately owned recreational vehicle. As a privately owned recreational vehicle, we can register it, insure it, and drive* it like any other vehicle. The fact that this is not a commercial bus helps a lot.

So what happens when your breaks fail and you crash headfirst into a real bus full of children?

Hopefully we will be going faster than them.

So you are just going to drive fast? That’s convincing…

The bus is registered, licensed, and insured. To top it off, it is currently being checked out with small problems being fixed by a mechanic. So, yes, we will be driving very fast.

So, what color are you going to paint it?

Silver…with flames**.

What amenities do you anticipate having?

For furniture we’re going to work in a couple of couches, maybe a few easy chairs, a table, and some captain’s chairs from some RVs. We also may get a generator so we can power our laptops and charge our cell phones when we break down in the middle of Wyoming with nothing around.

What happens when you breakdown in the middle of Wyoming?

We’ll probably die.

You’re crazy.

That isn’t a question.

Why are you so crazy?

No comment.

*Assuming that your state does not have weight limits or length limits on private vehicles that you drive, you can do this too!
**The flames make it go faster.

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