Monday, April 26, 2010

The 2nd Bus

Today we finally got our second bus. After 6 trips down 114, we finally have vehicle in (mostly) decent shape. We still have some repairs to do to make it drivable. These repairs* seem much more minor, and we are (probably) able to afford them** without resorting to using duct tape and our own homemade repairs. This bus is looking to be in much better shape than the last one :)
In related news, we still can't work on the bus because it needs to be fixed. This means our time line for getting it renovated is extremely short :( We are hoping to leave by May 22nd, which between graduation and the repairs will give us just under 3 weeks to work on the bus. We don't want to waste any time once we get the bus, so we took some measurements and are designing the interior as much as possible. We will hopefully have some pics of the plans up soon!
If you have any ideas on how we should customize our bus (psychedelic lavalamps, disco ball, vanity plates, etc.) feel free to post a comment!

*The problems are a leaky oil seal and a corroded pin
**Donations are gladly accepted


  1. I remember having to pick you up from school because riding the school bus just wasn't cool. How times have changed!

  2. You need to add "GO RED SOX" on the bus to maintain your proud heritage
