Sunday, June 6, 2010

We now know what it feels like to be a floater

Yes, we are still alive. We have been staying at Carolyn's aunt and uncle's house who have been nice in letting us stay at their house for the last few days. During our few days in Salt Lake, we have thus far gone to the Mormon temple, well at least the outside of it, and some places down town. Today we went to the Great Salt Lake and swam for a while. Swiming in the lake is an unique experience as you will float with out trying. The downside is that if you have any cuts, they sting like no tomorrow. Tomorrow the plan is to go on a hike while Scott and Carolyn continue the hunt for an apartment.

1 comment:

  1. For those of us who live somewhat vicariously it is good to know all is well. Could use more detail though, if it weren't Salt Lake I might suspect the passing comment of a "some places down town".
