Monday, May 31, 2010

Pictures and Update

Figure 1: Pretty much what all of South Dakota looks like so far

Figure 2: The crew with Yogi Bear. Can you spot James?

Figure 3: Super - Pillow.

Figure 4: Our esteemed loadmaster at Sioux Falls

Figure 5: The crew at the international SPAM museum

Figure 6: Matt riding a pig
Blog update:
Pictures are in reverse chronological order.
Installed new fan clutch, bus can go faster and not overheat.
Collin got pooped on by a bird
We're at Wall Drug right now
Before that we went to Yogi Bear campground in Sioux Falls
Before that we saw the SPAM museum
Average trip MPG: 10.1 (.1 better than projections)
Next stop(s) Black hills national forest, Crazy horse, Mt. Rushmore.

Have a great day!


  1. After leaving Mt. Rushmore you might think about detouring off of 90 near Sundance & driving up to Devil's Tower. Highway 16 out of Buffalo WY thru Tensleep is a pretty mountain road (downhill) and probably easier than the ones out of Sheridan. You should try to stay a day in Cody & tour world class Buffalo Bill Museum if time & money allow.Eleanor Willhard

  2. Happy Birthday, Jessie! I'm sure this is one of the more memorable ones! love, A.K., U.D. and Mary

  3. Could you guys post the route you have taken (are taking?). I would like to follow your progress in my map, but I need more details.
    Sounds like you guys are having a blast!!! enjoy and stay away from the bears!


  4. Lucky crew, Wyoming's next with what I hear is a bumper crop of the cutest creatures alive, Baby Jackalopes! If you find yourselves short on time, have Carly channel her great grandfather for a quick shortcut, he knew them all.
    See you in SF
